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College Application Essay

My entire life I have always enjoyed two things, running and videogames. Although, I have never been on a track team my family is always persuading me to join a local team. I have not played any sports in the last 5 years; which is strange because fitness has always been by far my favorite subject. I do not mean that I only enjoyed fitness for the games: dodgeball, kickball, and all sorts of tag. I enjoyed the things that not everyone else did, especially the running. I am a complicated person with inverse hobbies; I love running and fitness, but one of my favorite at home activities includes playing videogames. It was strange that being so active was one of my favorite hobbies but being extremely lazy is just as much fun. I play more video games then I participate in fitness activities. However, I was able to balance those hobbies out in a way that made sense to me.

I learned so much about myself but still did not understand the things that seemed to be important. I learned that I was a person who was unbelievable competitive, yet a motivator, and a kind person. I was able to communicate with my team in both activities what we needed to do in order to win. Nevertheless, I have been told that I did it in a way that was never pushing. I would provide assistance to those who needed it most and encourage them to keep trying. I learned how to be persistent with people; some people just do not want to cooperate. However, that does not mean you should not ignore them, it meant to me, that they needed more assistance or a helpful comment to push them that extra mile. Through both video games and fitness, I learned how to be persistent, lenient, kind, helpful, and maintain a growth mindset the entire time.

Although I am not currently employed or participating in an internship now, I plan to take the skills that, I have learned from my hobbies and include them in my future. I have learned to be kind and respectful; I can remain lenient with people no matter the person. I am persistent with activities and other students and classmates. My school has taught me to have a growth mindset and to make all my efforts better than the last. I plan to use all of these skills in my future to ensure that I am the best student possible.

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