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Language Arts

Book talk oh"my

This year I think that I have grown in collaboration. I think that I have grown in collaboration because I used to be a single person guy. I guess what I mean by that is that I used to like to do work on my own I liked it that way. But now that I have been to the STEM school for two years and I have learned that I have made a lot of mistakes. I also think that I have grown in collaboration because I now can talk to other people in a good manner instead of doing it all by myself. I even now am loving projects or assignments when people need to work together to get a specific answer and like they say more heads are better than one. So that is why I think I have grown in collaboration.

           For my first artifact I am going to use a video of me showing you my book talk presentation. The book talk project is where we picked a book from Ms. Miller’s selection. Then we read the book in a specific amount of time. While reading the book we wrote down notes on quotes or cliffhangers so that when we presented we would have parts of the book that made the audience want to read the book. Then we started to write our presentation in a way to grab the audience’s attention in the beginning so they would pay more attention to your presentation. Then the presentation would move into meeting the characters and the setting the book. Once we had draft one of the presentation we would be given the chance to get feedback from peers. Collaboration ties into collaboration because it requires lots of talking it get good feedback. Once we have gotten our feedback and we have corrected our script we made the visual aid. The visual aid was a picture of something that happened in the book or our idea of a new cover.

 Then the last step we moved onto our presentation. We got in front of the room and we presented our book to try to get the audience’s attention. I think that this artifact shows growth by showing that I had to collaborate with peers to get my presentation right and good enough to get a good grade on my presentation to get an A. I also think that it shows growth because in order for me to even know if my presentation was good I had to talk to peers to get it right and I did not just talk about the content but how I spoke also, like if it was clear enough and if it was good for everyone to hear me. I think that this also shows collaboration because it took a lot of practicing to get the presentation right. In order to do that I had to practice in front of friends and family. They gave me feedback on different parts of the rubric that I might not be doing well on or parts I might be missing in my portfolio. It even shows I used it because some of the feedback lead to in depth conversations about the specific topic. Overall it took lots of talking and collaboration to get the project complete.


          For my second artifact I am going to use my storybook. So the storybook project is where we were pared in a group of two (me and someone) and we made a book to teach 3-5 graders the concepts and importance of the concepts of wellness which include effective communication, refusal skills, conflict resolution. These three wellness concepts are important in all different ways. But the storybook had to include pictures and a good story that younger children would enjoy or it would be entertaining for young children. I think that the storybook project shows growth because there was a lot of communication between me and my partner. We had some disagreements but we used effective communication to get passed the problems and to get the best solution instead of the wrong one.  I think that this shows collaboration because again there was a lot of conflicts between me and my partner and some of those conflicts include what our people would be like what colors they would be. And what the story would mainly be about. I also think that this shows collaboration because we had to come up with the characters and the story behind the characters behind them which involved lots of talking. At specific points in the storybook we had critique sessions and this is where we had multiple peers critique our storybook. At these critique sessions I and my partner received all different feedback. We took this feedback and went though all of it and as we went though this we talked about how we would change something in our storybook based on the given feedback. This is why I think that this artifact shows growth in collaboration.


I will use this skill in the future by talking to anyone and I mean everyone business partners or even on my job. So that is why I think that I have grown in collaboration.

taken from This is the fictional novel ASHFALL. This is the book I used for my book talk. The book talk project is where we read a book and then presented it to our class to get them to read our book.

This was my book talk video. In this video i talked about my book. My book was AshFall  and I tried to get people to get the book and read it.

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