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This is page 51 of my book. This was a lab were we took to balls and bounced one on top of the other and observed the transfer of energy.

Science Fun with labs!

         I think that this year I have grown the most in communication. I think that I have grown the most in this topic because I used to be very individual and when working in groups I would like to have it my way and not even talk to my group members. I was always right I wanted it to be my way and not there’s just because I thought my way was the right way. I would not talk to group members about it almost at all. We might have had maybe a few discussions here and there just to get the basic outline of what we would to do. But it was mainly me that did it. It wasn’t always even the right thing to do at that time ether. But now that I have been at the Dayton Regional STEM school for two years now I have relied that what I have been doing was most definitely not the right thing to do at all. I should listen to my other peers and make sure I am not just taking my ideas but theirs to. Also have them say what they might want me to change about my ideas or what I want them to change about their ideas.


    I think that for my first artifact I am going to use my labs or data from my book. I think that this is a good artifact because it shows how me and my group member(s) talked to get the final answer for a question that me and my group need to solve. I think that it also shows growth by showing how I went from not being able to work well with others to me now being able to work together and well with others and not just figuring it out by myself but to have me and my group members answer it TOGETHER. I think more specifically an example of me working well with others is 


Science book page number 51. I am not able to show you a picture but in general it was an activity of how if you bounce two balls together (tennis ball + Basket Ball) you get an energy transfer from the basketball to the tennis ball. To figure it out my whole science class went to the atrium and my teacher Mrs. Lydy took the two balls and but the tennis ball on top of the basketball and dropped them. What happened was the basketball transferred its energy to the tennis ball letting the tennis ball fly into the air and almost hit the celling (Basic information). I could not have figured this all out for myself we all had to discuss this with the whole class. We gave ideas and we would talk about what was good about those ideas and maybe what wasn’t so realistic with those ideas. In our book we had to record our prediction (Independent) next we had to record our observations. This was not individual we had to talk with our group to figure out if our evidence was correct or incorrect. So overall this artifact shows why I grew in communicating and working in groups.


I think for my second artifact I am going to be using activity 4.2- Investigating Elastic Energy. I think that this shows growth by showing that… Well there is a table and since it was an activity we worked in groups at our row and we worked together to fill out the table and talk to figure out what was the right answer or what was maybe not the right answer but close. It might be on the right track just the wrong answer. That outcome happens a lot. Group members think that they have the right answer but instead just on the right track. I think that another example shows that this artifact shows growth because we had not worked very well together so it took a lot of communication because we had to constantly get people back on track (Jaden no offence) and make sure that they were going to be working on the thing I need to work on and make sure that we all are on the right path to be finishing our work as a whole instead of individually. I think that it is a good example just because of how much I have come from not being able to work in groups well to now being able to work together well and keep each other on topic and on track to get the work done. That is why I think that this artifact shows growth.

My Conclusion or rezoning is how I have gone from being bad in groups to know being able to work productively in groups. Again that is why I have grown in communication



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